Sunday, November 29, 2009

Flood Light Night

I came home from a dinner party with my relatives, when the light on our deck blared on. Guess who was standing on our deck, staring at me with gold-yellow eyes. If you guessed Sunshine, You are correct. I got a close-up view of the mother cat. Her eyes are the color of gold, her fur a shade of rusty yellow. Then, her pattern. It swirled around her so elegant, It looked like an artist had painted it. It's a few shades darker than the rest of her. The kittens weren't visible at the time. I found that very exciting. Any way, 2 votes are in on the new poll. 1 for medetation pose, and 1 for all of the above. Remember, there's only 7 days left to vote!


  1. Does she have the coloring like Nats a Dilute Tortise-shell or like Jasmine, a Tabby? ...Stewie

  2. Neither. The darker orange just swirled around her. It was pretty.
